We 12 step in our home.  For those of you who don't understand that - we have a program.  

We try, little by little, one day at a time to let go of the past and do the next right thing.  We aren't perfect. But we do our best - together - to focus on Today.  

We try to teach our children, what we have been blessed to learn - a tool set for living life on life's terms.  Having real acceptance of situations and being able to live Just for Today.  Having faith in a Higher Power,  we chose to call God, and a spiritual walk with him.

The 12 Steps of AA have been adopted by over 100 separate groups -  to teach peace and serenity, and have been adapted in many ways - the series "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff" is based on some of the concepts, slogans and steps of the program.   There are numerous devotionals and daily mediations that share the same fundamentals as well as self help resources.

And I can understand why - if you have a loved one who has (or had) a problem with alcohol, or drugs, or gambling, or eating or not eating, or sex or spending or just about anything, there is help....and there is help for you too.  My experience, strength and hope is working a program taught me ..."to thine own self be true", that I deserve it (something good - not something bad).  The concept of anonymity...that life should be principles above personalities - it is not who, but what, that is relevant and so much more.  The phrases at the top are slogans - little reminders.  They help me, to be a better me - and for that I am so grateful. 

"...no matter what your problem there are those among us who have had it too.  If you try to keep an open mind, you will find help.  There is no situation to difficult and no unhappiness to great to be lessened...." 
From the suggested closing of Al-Anon (based on  page 104 of the Big Book).